Dear Dr. CVML
Thanks again for confirming that you’d like to feature your research in the new Research Topic: Strategies for Interactions between Connected-Autonomous Vehicles and Pedestrians: State-of-the-Art.
The next step is to send an abstract for your suggested article:
- Your abstract should be a summary of the article you are planning – it doesn’t need to be the same as the abstract you will include with your full manuscript.
- Your abstract will not be published externally and there is no associated fee.
- Submitting an abstract is not mandatory, but our authors find this a useful opportunity for feedback.
The topic editors will then review your abstract and provide you with feedback to consider when writing your manuscript.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 14 December, 2021
I look forward to receiving it and learning more about your research. Please let me know if you have any questions
Best regards,
Marta Benedekova
Lausanne | London | Seattle | Beijing
Avenue du Tribunal-Fédéral 34
1005 Lausanne
Phone Number: +41 21 510 1700