Fwd: [CVML] AI for Content Creation workshop at CVPR 2022

AI for Content Creation Workshop 

CVPR 2022

Call for Papers

We call for papers (8 pages) and extended abstracts (4 pages) to be presented at the AI for Content Creation Workshop at CVPR 2022. Papers and extended abstracts will be peer reviewed in a double blind fashion. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to post their submissions on arXiv. These papers are not archival and will not be included in the proceedings of CVPR 2022. In the interests of fostering a free exchange of ideas, we welcome both novel and previously-published work. We will accept work in progress and papers that have not been published elsewhere. We also accept for presentation a selection of papers that have been recently published elsewhere including at CVPR 2022; these will be selected by a jury of organizers.

We seek contributions on a variety of aspects on content creation, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Techniques for content creation: 

    • Generative models for image/video synthesis

    • Image/video editing, inpainting, or extrapolation

    • Style transfer

    • Image-to-image / video-to-video techniques

    • Text-to-image creation

  • Domains and applications for content creation:

    • Image and video for enthusiast, VFX, architecture, advertisements, art, …

    • 2D/3D graphic design

    • Text and typefaces

    • Design for documents, Web

    • Fashion, garments, and outfits

    • Novel applications and datasets

The submission timeline is:

  • Paper submission: March 18, 2022 (after ECCV deadline)

  • Acceptance notification: ~April 20, 2022

The best student papers will be acknowledged with a cash prize, NVIDIA GPU, or Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions.

Submission Website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AI4CC2022/

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