Extended paper submission deadline March 15, 2022 | *IEEE WCNEE 2022* 6th International Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking in Extreme Environments

*IEEE WCNEE 2022* 6th International Workshop on Wireless Communications 

and Networking in Extreme Environments

May 30, 2022-June 1, 2022 

*Call for Papers *

The goal of the WCNEE workshop, now in its 6th edition, is to bring together academic researchers and industrial players to share their research findings and technical contributions, from the physical all the way to the application layer in realizing underwater, aerial, underground, intra-body, rural and space wireless communication networks with a focus on bridging the gaps between theory, algorithms, prototypes, testbeds, demonstration and production networks. WCNEE will also facilitate discussions about modeling and characterizing propagation and wireless network performance in such diverse environments based on real-world data measurements.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

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