“>[ICCNCT 2022] Dear Researcher With the precedent success in organizing successful conference and proceedings publication, ICCNCT conference series has moved towards the next successive conference 5th International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies [ICCNCT 2022] virtually on April 1-2, 2022. We assure that, the proceedings of conference will be strictly subjected for inclusion […]
Archive for February, 2022
5th Virtual International Conference [ICCNCT 2022]:: Proceedings by Springer LNDECT: 01- 02, April 2022:: India

Nueva propuesta académica en la región: Postítulo en innovación educativa y nuevas competencias docentes

Subsecretaria de Investigación y Posgrado Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología Sede Concepción del Uruguay Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos 25 de Mayo 385 – 03442 431442 Estimados/as Es un gusto establecer contacto en esta oportunidad para compartirles que desde el Vicerrectorado de la UADER, a partir del mes de marzo de 2022, comenzará a […]
SADIO – Marzo 2022 – Curso Regulacion de las inteligencias artificiales: alcances eticos, juridicos, politicos, economicos y sociales

“en la senda de Sadosky” ¡APROVECHA LA INSCRIPCIÓN TEMPRANA! Curso virtual: Regulación de las inteligencias artificiales: alcances éticos, jurídicos, políticos, económicos y sociales Fecha de inicio: 7 de Marzo de 2022 Docentes: Ariel Vercelli (INHUS – CONICET / UNMdP, Argentina) Bárbara Muracciole (FDER, UDELAR, Uruguay) León Felipe Sánchez Ambía (ISDI, México) Marcus Vinicius Filgueiras Júnior […]
Asynchronous Web e-Courses on Machine Learning and Neural Networks/Deep Learning on offer. Free access to course material

Dear Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Autonomous Systems Engineers, Scientists and Enthusiasts, you are welcomed to register and attend the Web e-Course on Computer Vision consisting of the following two CVML Web e-Course Modules on offer (total 22 lectures): Machine Learning (12 Lectures), http://icarus.csd.auth.gr/machine-learning-web-module/ 1) Introduction to Machine Learning 2) Data Clustering 3) […]
Call for Papers – Seventh International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI’22)

Seventh International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI’22)August 31, September 1-2, 2022, Trivandrum, Kerala, Indiahttps://connected-systems.org/isi2022/ Submission Deadline: May 16, 2022Proceedings by Springer in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Series=====================================================================ISI aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from all over the world to share and discuss theoretical and practical developments in intelligent informatics. The scope of the […]