Special issue call for papers: Ingenuity in Biophysics: Dedicated to Ned Seeman

Special issue call for papers: Ingenuity in biophysics – Dedicated to Ned Seeman
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Biophysical Journal Biophysical Society
Special issue call for papers: Ingenuity in biophysics - Dedicated to Ned Seeman
To celebrate the work and creative vision of our colleague and fellow Biophysical Journal editor Ned Seeman, we invite innovative contributions from all areas of biophysics, especially nucleic acid structure, that feature Seeman’s spirit of innovation and ingenuity.

Seeman, who passed away this year a few weeks short of his 76th birthday (see In Memoriam entry in the January 2022 issue of BPS Bulletin), founded and developed the field of DNA nanotechnology more than 35 years ago. He pioneered research that reflects a successful marriage of his unique creativity and superb grounding in the physical and mathematical sciences. From M.C. Escher to DNA knots to robots and medical applications, Seeman’s vision was broad while his craft was meticulous. Using DNA building blocks and self-assembly techniques inspired by sticky ends and branching ideas, he was inspired by Escher’s artworks that emphasized periodicity and multiple dimensions to create connected networks. From DNA cubes and truncated octahedrons, his crystallographic mastery and creativity led to DNA-based nanomechanical devices, with potential applications to technology and medicine.

We welcome contributions from scientists working to advance nucleic-acid structure and function using experimental and computational approaches, as well as other biophysics contributions that celebrate creativity and innovation.

For information on formatting, editorial guidelines, submitting, and related article processing charges, please visit author information page. Please include a cover letter stating that you would like to contribute to the Seeman special issue and describe why the work fits into the Seeman special issue. General questions can be directed to the Biophysical Journal editorial office or to Associate Editor Tamar Schlick.

Deadline for submission: April 30, 2022

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