Workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart City Systems (MoCS 2022)

[Deadline Extended] Workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart City Systems (MoCS 2022)
Organized in association with
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022)

30th June 2022, Rhodes Island, Greece                           

The last years have witnessed a permanent change of vision of cloud systems. Nowadays, the most important stakeholders such as private companies, public agencies, research communities and citizens rely on the cloud for a number of purposes, ranging from sharing hardware infrastructures to software, data, and sensing services.

The services designed for complex scenarios like distributed clouds, Internet of Things, smart cities, and the upcoming Industry 5.0, pave the path for a new era of the cloud. The complexity of human dynamics in a city can be better analyzed by decentralizing the infrastructure, integrating and opening the data and sharing the services. The distributed cloud paradigm is a key enabling technology, whereby applications and network functions are hosted in the cloud-to-thing continuum. By being closer to the end-user, besides better supporting low-latency applications, MEC systems are a candidate architecture for such a decentralized, context-aware infrastructure. Despite such a rapid (re-)evolution of edge-cloud systems, the extremely heterogeneous smart city applications (sensing as a service, crowd sensing, etc.) makes the satisfaction of all the requirements a big challenge. In this context, emergent paradigms like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), privacy!
 -enhancing technologies (PET) and blockchain (BC) are key enablers for cloud-to-thing systems to shape the development of autonomic orchestration and networking.

The workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart city systems (MoCS) started following the “cloud” revolution about 11 years ago. MoCS 2022, in its 12th edition, is organized in association with the 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2022). The focus of MoCS 2022 is in the convergence of distributed clouds, context and privacy-aware applications for complex scenarios like smart cities and learning-driven approaches for urban planning. The workshop aims at disseminating results on both theoretical and applicative aspects.

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