Announcing the 2022 May SPRINGEROPEN EURASIP JIVP’s Free Web conferencing (Thu. May. 5, 2022) 12h30 CET

Date&Time: May 2022, 5th at 12:30 p.m. CET [06:30 a.m. New-York] – [12:30 p.m. Paris/Nice] – [6:30 p.m. Beijing]
Title:  Forward-backward steps in signal processing
Speaker: Jean-Christophe PESQUET (Center for Visual Computing – OPIS Inria group, CentraleSupelec  – University Paris-Saclay)

To join the free 1-hour webinar, it is required to pre-register at,
or through the journal website at,
Contact: {jana.palinkas, esinu.abadjivor}

Abstract: This talk provides an overview of the forward-backward (FB) algorithm, which is a prominent tool for solving optimization problems in signal and image processing. This algorithm belongs to the class of proximal methods and puts in a unifying framework many traditional optimization schemes. In particular, the FB algorithm is instrumental for solving nonsmooth optimization problems which are encountered in sparse estimation or compressed sensing. A higher mathematical view of this algorithm can also be given through modern fixed point theory, making it possible to address sophisticated variational problems. Finally, it is shown that this algorithm is also closely related to feedforward neural networks. This link brings insight into the development of more robust and more explainable neural architectures.

Short bio: Jean-Christophe Pesquet (IEEE Fellow 2012, EURASIP Fellow 2022) received the engineering degree from Supélec in 1987, the Ph.D. and HDR degrees from the University Paris-Sud in 1990 and 1999, respectively. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Maître de Conférences at the University Paris-Sud. From 1999 to 2016, he was a Professor with the University Paris-Est and from 2012 to 2016, he was the Deputy Director of the Laboratoire d’Informatique of the university. He is currently a Distinguished Professor with CentraleSupélec, University Paris-Saclay and the Director of the CVN (Inria team). He is also a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. In 2005, J.-C. Pesquet was technical chairman of ICASSP. He was a member of the SPTM technical committee (2000-2005 and 2011-2016) and served as an associate editor for IEEE SPL (2004-2006). He was an associate editor for IEEE TSP (2009-2013), a senior area editor for the same journal (2010-2015), and a member of the committee for the best paper award of EURASIP JASP (2007-2019). He is now an associate editor of SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. His research interests are focused on optimization methods in data science.

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