CfP FORESTS Workshop (at ICPR 2022) – Image Analysis for Forest Environmental Monitoring

We are accepting papers (4 page + references, ICPR format) by the 6th of June 2022, for presentation at the workshop FORESTS, to be held in conjunction with ICPR 2022.

FORESTS: Image Analysis for Forest Environmental Monitoring



Forests are key resources for sustaining life on earth. Large-scale and mid-scale monitoring of forest environments can be done in cost-effective ways through remote sensing and airborne or land-based sensor analysis, automating many of the processes with current machine learning and pattern recognition methods. Higher quality sensors (higher resolution, spectral bands) and acquisition technologies are becoming increasingly available both for new earth observation satellites, terrestrial observation towers, and aerial vehicles (manned and unmanned). Both individually and in combination, these different observation methods can provide valuable data for resource management policies or first response action to abnormal events. 



This workshop will cover all aspects of the acquisition and analysis of aerial image (latu sensu, including RGB, hyperspectral, multispectral, LiDAR, radar), and video acquired from airborne and/or spaceborne sensors, that have an impact in the monitoring of forest environments. 

Topics include, but are not limited to:

# Classification, detection and segmentation of vegetation cover

# Detection and tracking for monitoring animal life in forest environments.

# Measurement of humidity, temperature and biomass of vegetation cover

# Detection and segmentation of fire, smoke and burned area in wildfire events.

# UAVs in the monitoring of forest environments.

# Multispectral and hyperspectral image sensors and methods for forest analysis.

# Geo-localization and mapping of events and landmarks in forest areas

# Data acquisition from airborne and spaceborne sensors

# Public datasets that contain aerial images/videos of forest environments

# Benchmarking of aerial image/video analysis methods in forest environments.

# 3D reconstruction of forest environment with airborne image, video, LiDAR, Radar.

# Real-time data analysis for early detection and forecasting progression of wildfires.

# Combining large-scale/high latency satellite data with low-scale/low-latency aerial data.

Important Dates


# Submission Deadline: June 6, 2022, 24h (AoE).

# Acceptance Notification: July 6, 2022.

# Workshop: August 21, 2022. (Exact Date & Time: TBA) 


Invited Speakers


The workshop will feature several prominent names in the field of image analysis for environmental monitoring, including: 

# Turgay Celik (Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)

# Luis Merino (Univ. Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain)

# Luis Mejias (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) 



Submit your paper via Easychair: 

For paper submissions, ICPR guidelines are followed. 

Other questions should be emailed to

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