Special Focus: Green CPS&IoT for Green World
Special Theme of CPS&IoT’2022: Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Architectures, Methods and Tools for Autonomous Robots, Vehicles, Assistive, Environmental and other advanced CPS&IoT
CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School is collocated with:
- CPS&IoT'2022 Conference – the 10th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, and
- MECO'2022 Conference – the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing.
The registration to CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School entitles to free participation in CPS&IoT’2022 Conference and MECO’2022 Conference sessions.
The two Conferences and Summer School constitute a major European conference event in CPS, IoT and embedded computing. For more information consult please the conference event web-site:
The CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School is prepared in collaboration with IEEE, EUROMICRO, and MANT, and is possible thanks to involvement of many outstanding researchers and developers from numerous European projects and countries.
A distinguishing feature of the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School is that its lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions:
- are based on results from numerous currently running or recently finished European R&D projects in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), as: BRAINE, BRAIN-IoT, Comp4Drones, CPS4EU, Cybereng, EPI, InSecTT, IoT4CPS, MPM4CPS, PANORAMA, SMART4ALL, VALU3S, and several others,
- will be given by top specialists in particular CPS, IoT and AI fields form European industry and academia, and will deliver very fresh advanced knowledge.
The School gives a unique opportunity:
- to interact with outstanding specialists in the CPS, IoT and AI area,
- to get acquainted with huge opportunities and impact of CPS, IoT and AI, serious issues and challenges of their development, as well as, newest concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in numerous ongoing and recently finished European R&D projects in CPS, IoT and AI.
The idea of the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School is to be a lively discussion and collaboration forum for researchers, developers and decision-makers working in the field of cyber-physical and embedded systems through serving the following main purposes:
- dissemination and discussion of project results from European projects in CPS, IoT, AI and ES;
- exchange of knowledge and collaboration among European projects in CPS, IoT, AI and ES;
- advanced training of industrial and academic researchers, developers, engineers and decision-makers in CPS, IoT, AI and ES;
- facilitation of international contacts and collaboration among the Summer School participants.
General Program of the CPS&IoT2022 Summer School:
1. Introduction
2. Green CPS and IoT
3. Computing and communication technologies for CPS and IoT
4. Machine Learning and Edge Computing
5. Modelling, design and implementation of CPS and IoT
6. Trustworthy CPS and IoT: reliability, security and safety
7. Energy efficient computing for CPS and IoT
8. Closing of the CPS&IoT2022 Summer School
Luca Benini, Integrated Systems Lab, ETH Zürich, CH
PULP: Extreme Energy Efficiency for Extreme Edge AI Acceleration
Letizia Jaccheri, Fac. Information Techn. and Electrical Eng., NTNU, NO
Software for a Better Society
Roberto Giorgi, Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Siena, IT
Extending Performance and Reliability via Modular FPGA Clusters
Dimitrios Serphanos and Stavros Koubias, U. Patras and ISI, Christos Koulamas, ISI, GR
Synthesis of Runtime Monitors for Safe and Secure Industrial Systems
Preliminary (yet incomplete) List of Tutorials and Presenters, and more information on the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School can be found in the Call for Participation attached to this e-mail and on the web-page: https://mecoconference.me/ss-cpsiot2022/.
Both industrial participation and academic participation are encouraged.
Only a limited number of participants will be admitted.
Register as soon as possible.
To register follow the instructions at the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School web-page:
After submitting your application you will receive a report informing you on acceptance/rejection of your application. Please make the fee payment after receiving the acceptance report.
In case of any problem or question related to the registration or fee payment please do not hesitate to contact Radovan Stojanović (stox@ac.me). In case of questions related to the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School program please contact Lech Jóźwiak (L.Jozwiak@tue.nl).
Please distribute this Call for Participation in the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School within your project consortia, and among your colleagues and students.
Best regards,
Lech Jóźwiak
Program Chairman of the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Radovan Stojanović
Organizing Chairman of the CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School
University of Montenegro, Montenegro
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