European Machine Vision Forum taking place 27 – 28 October 2022 in Cork Ireland.

Accuracy, Reliability and Limits of Machine Vision' will be the focal topic of this year's European Machine Vision Forum, taking place 27 – 28 October 2022 in Cork, Ireland.

The forum aims to foster interaction between the machine vision industry and academic research to learn from each other, discuss the newest research results as well as problems from applications, learn about emerging application fields, and to discuss research cooperation between industry and academic institutes. The overall goal is to accelerate innovation by translating new re­search results faster into practice.

The forum is directed to scientists, development engineers, software and hardware engineers, and programmers both from research and Industry.

Companies, institutes and universities are invited to submit their valuable contribution to this focal topic. Submit your extended abstract for a contributed talk or poster no later than June 30th, 2022.

All submissions are openly reviewed by the joint Scientific and Industrial Advisory Board of the forum. 

Find all details and especially the complete Call for Contributions at

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