Call for Submissions – CVPR 2022 NeuroVision Workshop (Deadline Extended)

NeuroVision: What can computer vision learn from visual neuroscience?
A CVPR 2022 Workshop
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Updated Important Dates
Submission Deadline: May 8, 2022 – 11:59pm (PDT)
Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2022
Workshop date: June 19, 2022

Submission Page

We are delighted to announce the NeuroVision workshop hosted in conjunction with CVPR 2022 on June 19, 2022. This workshop seeks to understand the contexts in which the brain’s visual system can inform and improve current AI systems, and to explore principles of the brain that can be extracted and incorporated into AI and ML. 

The workshop is a full-day event featuring invited speakers, panel discussions, and poster presentations/ lighting talks, with the objective of fostering discussions that are relevant to larger scientific communities beyond computer vision, including neuroscience, psychology, human computer interaction, augmented reality, and visual prosthetics. The workshop will offer both in-person and virtual attendance options.

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (up to four pages including references) describing work related to topics in biological vision that can potentially benefit computer vision systems. 

The following is a non exhaustive list of relevant topics:
  • Active vision’s role in visual search, scene understanding, social interactions, etc.
  • Learning in the visual system. Learning in biology is continual, few-shot, and adversarially robust.
  • The roles of recurrent and top-down connections in the visual cortex.
  • Spike based spatiotemporal processing and its implications for neuromorphic vision.
  • Motion perception in dynamic environments.
  • Neural coding schemes in the visual system (e.g., sparse coding, predictive coding, and temporal coding.)
  • The roles of attention mechanisms in biological vision.

Accepted submissions will be presented as posters/ lightning talks at the workshop, but will not be included in the Proceedings of CVPR 2022. After the workshop, we will be inviting authors to submit papers for a special issue on NeuroVision in the journal Biological Cybernetics.

Workshop registration will be collected by CVPR. Please visit the CVPR 2022 website for registration information.

Invited Speakers
  1. S. P. Arun, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Talk: How does the brain crack CAPTCHAs?
  1. Michael Beyeler, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 
Talk: Visual features important for scene understanding: insights from sight restoration studies
  1. Leyla Isik, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Talk: The neural computations underlying human social vision and insights for machine vision
  1. Tim Kietzmann, Radboud University, Netherlands
Talk: Recurrence as a key ingredient for understanding and mirroring robust human object recognition
  1. Grace Lindsay, University College London, UK 
Talk: Comparing visual representations learned through supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning
  1. Heiko Neumann, Ulm University, Germany 
Talk: Canonical neural circuit computations for perceptual disambiguation and contextual decision-making
  1. Elisabetta Chicca, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Talk: Finding the Gap: Neuromorphic Motion Vision in Cluttered Environments
  1. Jeff Krichmar, University of California, Irvine, USA
Talk: Motion processing the the primate dorsal visual stream
  1.  Bruno Olshausen, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Talk: Learning to factorize images

For more information about the workshop, please visit the NeuroVision website.

Best wishes,
NeuroVision Organizing Team

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