Archive for June, 2022

DeepLearn 2022 Autumn: early registration July 16

7th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING DeepLearn 2022 Autumn Luleå, Sweden October 17-21, 2022 **************** Co-organized by: Luleå University of Technology EISLAB Machine Learning   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA Brussels/London ****************************************************************** Early registration: July 16, 2022 ****************************************************************** SCOPE: DeepLearn 2022 Autumn will be a research training event with a […]

Early registration: CVML Short Course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision, 22-23th August 2022

Dear Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Autonomous Systems engineers, scientists and enthusiasts,   you are welcomed to register in the CVML Short e-course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision,  22–23th August 2022:   Its focus will be on applications in autonomous systems (cars, drones, marine vessels).   It will take place as a two-day […]

2022 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC) Call For Papers

              The Organizing Committee of the 2022 IEEE Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing invite students, researchers and practitioners worldwide to submit full papers for consideration to be presented at the conference. The technical committee will assign oral presentations to the accepted papers. All the papers presented at the […]

VI CIECIBA – Primera circular

Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Básicas <> Subject: VI CIECIBA – Primera circularTo: Estimados/as, por medio del presente, tenemos el agrado de invitarles a participar del VI Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Básicas (VI CIECIBA), organizado por el CENUR Litoral Norte, UdelaR, con el apoyo de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Facultad Regional Concordia, […]

Ciclo de Conferencias – Computación Cuántica 23/6

Desde el COPITEC tenemos el agrado de invitarte a participar de un nuevo encuentro del Ciclo de Conferencias Magistrales.   En esta oportunidad la disertación tratará sobre Computación cuántica, y estará a cargo del Dr. Elías Ríos   El encuentro se realizará de forma virtual el jueves 23 de junio, a las 18 hs.   […]

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