EI 2023 PRIORITY SUBMISSION Deadline Approaching



Electronic Imaging Symposium (EI 2023)

January 15-19, 2023

Downtown, San Francisco



The Electronic Imaging Symposium offers a unique opportunity for researchers and makers from industry, government, and academia to explore the broad range of subjects that comprise the field through short courses and technical sessions. Classes and talks range from practical, real-world applications to the fundamental science and technology that underlie them.


*NEW CONFERENCE for 2023: High Performance Computing for Imaging (HPCI) conference.*

HPCI will focus on research topics that converge HPC and imaging, emphasizing advanced HPC facilities and techniques for imaging systems/algorithms and applications.

>>EXPLORE ALL 18 EI conferences: https://bit.ly/EI2023_Conferences


PRIORITY SUBMISSION BY 15 JULY advised for authors who

*Require a VISA to enter the United States

*Want their paper posted in the IS&T Digital Library before the Symposium

*Need additional time to obtain budget support.

>>SUBMISSION OPTIONS + more: https://bit.ly/EI2023_SubmissionOptions


Authors who submit after the Priority Submission Deadline are notified as conference programs are finalized during Fall 2022.


Roberta Morehouse, CMP

Communications and Marketing Manager

Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)

—imaging across applications— imaging.org 

Connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter @Electroimaging @ImagingOrg

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