Call for Participation – New Technologies Show @ECCV 2022

Call for Participation to the


New Technologies Show @ECCV 2022


Do you think that your research idea can generate impact?

Pitch it at ECCV!



Research ideas are the fuel for innovation. ECCV 2022 wants to give the stage to researchers to present not only the scientific virtues of their work, but also their ideas about how their research can lead to meaningful innovation, highlighting possible applications enabled by their research.


ECCV 2022 will host a “New Technologies Show”, where researchers are invited to pitch their technologies to a different crowd. A jury comprising entrepreneurs and innovation experts will give feedback to all participating teams, while the most promising technologies will be offered further mentoring post-ECCV.


All potential participants to the New Technologies Show, will be offered a short online seminar prior to ECCV, on how to create a successful pitch. Research teams are invited to express their interest and encouraged to attend the online seminar before finally confirming whether they desire to present their technology in the New Technologies Show.

All participants to the New Technologies Show will be invited to the industry track reception during the ECCV.


For more information please visit:


Please use the following online form to apply:


Important Dates:

Expressions of interest:                5/9/2022

Online Course:                               20/9/2022

Confirmation of participation:    1/10/2022



Amir Markovitz (Amazon Research), Yair Kittenplon (Amazon Research), Shai Mazor (Amazon Research), Omar Zahr (Tandemlaunch), Dimosthenis Karatzas (Computer Vision Center), Lihi Zelnik-manor (Technion)

For any inquiries, please contact:


Supported By:

TandemLaunch Inc.

–             TandemLaunch will provide an hour-long online group workshop on preparing an investment narrative based on their invention.

–             All applicants will be considered for an invitation into the TandemLaunch Startup Foundry Investment program.



–             Winners will receive 2 hours of Technology and IP Strategy mentoring and 1 hour of CTO career mentoring with the CTO of TandemLaunch.

Computer Vision Center

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