Call for Participation to the New Technologies Show @ECCV 2022 Do you think that your research idea can generate impact? Pitch it at ECCV! ======================================================= Research ideas are the fuel for innovation. ECCV 2022 wants to give the stage to researchers to present not only the scientific virtues of their work, but […]
Archive for September, 2022
Call for Participation – New Technologies Show @ECCV 2022

Fwd: Fw: Conferencia Dr. Ing. Luis Joyanes Aguilar – CETI – ANCBA

Conferencia Dr. Ing. Luis Joyanes Aguilar – CETI – ANCBA si es necesario adecuar la imagen a su navegador, haga click sobre la misma ZOOM Seguir la transmisión en vivo por YouTube

SEPTIEMBRE mes de la Ciencia y la Tecnología La Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología y Posgrado de la Facultad Regional C. del Uruguay de la UTN, invita a toda la comunidad a participar del ciclo de charlas y actividades organizadas por el mes de la CIENCIA Y LA TECNOLOGÍA. Este jueves 8 de septiembre se llevarán […]
Registration for GIAN Course on Multimedia Forensics — November 19-23, 2022 ||s VNIT Nagpur || (Last Date: September 15, 2022)

We are pleased to inform you that the Dept of ECE, VNIT Nagpur is organizing a 05 days GIAN Course on Multimedia Forensics: Overview and Perspective on September 19-23, 2022. Prof. Sebastiano Battiato (Full Professor, University of Catania, Italy), a world-renowned expert in the field of Multimedia and Image Processing, would present the fundamental and advanced topics related to Multimedia Forensics. We […]
CSCT 2022: Proceedings in SCOPUS indexed Springer book series ‘Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies’

Greetings from SAU Center for Research and Innovative Learning (SCRIL), South Asian University, India. We are pleased to inform you that SAU Center for Research and Innovative Learning (SCRIL), South Asian University, India is organizing the Congress on Smart Computing Technologies (CSCT 2022). The details of the CSCT 2022 are as follows: Title of the conference: Congress on Smart Computing […]