EXTENSION – Call for papers LACCEI International Multiconference on Entrepreneurship Innovation and Regional Development – LEIRD 2022


LACCEI International Multiconference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

“Exponential Technologies and Global Challenges: Moving toward a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development”


December 5 – 7, 2022

EXTENSION – Call for Papers

LEIRD 2022

NEW Deadline for full papers and work in progress submissions: October 15th

This conference welcomes unpublished papers, including research and case studies, as well as work in progress presentations from all research areas within the following topics of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development.


1. Support Programs: Business model, financing, impact, and contribution to economic development. Cases of innovative entrepreneurship.

§ Incubators, accelerators, and other support programs

§ Venture formation processes, funding, and strategies

§ Intrapreneurship and business model innovation

§ Entrepreneurship and innovation to overcome economic and financial crisis

§ Communication strategies and social networks in entrepreneurship and innovation

§ International innovation and entrepreneurship

§ Circular economy innovation and frugal innovation

§ Social innovation and entrepreneurship

2. Policies and managerial practices to stimulate research and innovative entrepreneurship, regional development, and innovative cities.

§ Strategies, policies and management practices in R&D, innovation, and entrepreneurship

§ Digital transformation

§ Innovative technologies, cities, and regions

§ Market and financial impacts of entrepreneurship and innovation

§ Enabling regional initiatives in entrepreneurship and innovation

3. Education and innovative entrepreneurship: Models and strategies.

§ Entrepreneurship and innovation in education

§ Design thinking driven innovation

4. Commercialization, intellectual property, open innovation, and sustainable innovation.

§ Intellectual property and open innovation

§ University/Industry technology transfer and knowledge exchange

§ Sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship

5. Experiential Learning Exchange.

6. Incubators Success Stories.

7. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Student Competition (E&I22).

Important Dates:

§ Deadline for full papers and work in progress submissions: October 15th

§ Notification of acceptance: October 30th

§ Early bird Registration will be open: September 15th

LEIRD 2021 accepts papers written in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French: Full papers (6-10 pages), Work in progress (2-5 pages) with a limit of 7 authors per submission.

There will be an International Student Entrepreneurship and Innovation Projects Competition.

For additional information visit: https://laccei.org/leird2022/

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