Archive for October 7th, 2022

Final CFP: IEEE SocialCom2022 (Social Computing and Networking), Dec. 2022

Final Call for papers:    The 15th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking ( SocialCom 2022), 17-19 Dec. 2022, Melbourne, Australia.   Website:    Key dates:Submission Deadline: October 7, 2022   (11:59pm UTC/GMT, extended, but firm) Notification: October 31, 2022     Submission site:   Publication:Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.   Special issues:Distinguished papers […]

CfP Special Issue of IJAR on *Logics for the new AI Spring*

  We invite submissions for a Special Issue on Logics for the new AI Spring, to be published with the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.    The development of logics capable of representing human-like reasoning has  always been  one of the central objectives of logic-based Artificial Intelligence. In addition to providing  very successful tools for  knowledge […]

WACV 2023 – First Workshop on Photorealistic Image and Environment Synthesis for Computer Vision (PIES-CV)

************************************************** WACV 2023 – First Workshop on Photorealistic Image and Environment Synthesis  for Computer Vision (PIES-CV) Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 3-7   In conjunction with IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)   Web:   Contact:   Submission Website:    ******************************************************** ________________   CALL FOR PAPERS ________________   The First Workshop […]

NeuroDesign in Human-Robot Interaction: The making of engaging HRI technology your brain can’t resist (Oct. 9 on Sunday) (Online)

=================================================== Call for Participation (Free Online Event @ October 9, Sunday)     ===================================================   NeuroDesign in Human-Robot Interaction:  The making of engaging HRI technology your brain can’t resist NeuroDesign in Human-Robot Interaction – The making of engaging HRI technology your brain can’t resist The IEEE SMC 2022 workshop on “NeuroDesign in Human-Robot Interaction” provides a mind-blowing, […]

Paper Invitation to [Applied Sciences, Computation, Entropy, J. Imaging] Topic “Color Image Processing: Models and Methods (CIP: MM)”


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