We welcome the submission of technical papers describing significant and original research on all aspects of the theory and practice of autonomous and connected vehicles. The workshop along with the special session will serve as a forum to exchange ideas, present new results, and provide future visions on these topics:
* Technology concerning the breadth and depth of Connected and Autonomous vehicles (CAVs) (Control, localization, safe navigation, ADAS)
* Collaborative, cooperative control and planning of CAVs
* Communication protocols and technologies for CAVs
* Human factors and human machine interfaces for CAVs
* CAV Enabled Smart Cities and infrastructure Applications, ethical and technical requirements, security and privacy aspects
* 5G Technologies and Applications for CV and AVs
* Vehicle to Everything (V2X) – Infrastructure (I), Pedestrian (P), Network (N), and Vehicle (V)
* Sensor calibration, information processing and fusion techniques for autonomous vehicles
* SIL/HIL//VIL platforms for both connected and autonomous vehicles.
* Simulations and Experimental Demonstrations in Testbeds – CAVs.
We highly encourage authors to make their source code (if any) publicly available after their papers are accepted. The link can be provided in the camera-ready version.
The workshop will also include a special session on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) this year. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is an amalgamation of cutting-edge technologies and communication used in traffic control and management systems to improve the sustainability, effectiveness, and safety of transportation networks. It is an innovative facility that aims to provide information prior to road users, enhancing drivers’ experiences and making safer, coordinated and 'smart' use of transport networks. ITS has diverse applications that improve many road traffic issues, including shortening travel times by delivering real-time information on traffic management.
The tentative dates are below. We may slightly move the dates to account for conflicts with other upcoming relevant conferences.
* Paper submission: 10th November 2022
* Notification of paper acceptance: 10th December 2022
* Camera-ready paper submission: 20th December 2022
* Workshop date: 04 January 2023
All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
== In-Person Workshop ==
We are planning for the conference to be held in person in Bengaluru, India. While virtual interactions are a reasonable substitute when used appropriately, they still lack key facets and benefits that in-person interactions offer.