Special Issue on Sustainable energy sources for an energy transition in Latin America


IEEE Latin America Transactions

Special Issue on

Sustainable energy sources for an energy transition in Latin America


With an increasing global energy demand, mainly depending on fossil fuels and projected to rise by 1% per year until 2040, the energy transition process is a crucial enabler of sustainable development and climate resilience. Thus, achieving a carbon-free energy generation scheme capable of satisfying the global energy demand while, at the same time, efficiently articulating the tension between energy demand and carbon reduction commitments is the world's most urgent mission for contributing to the energy transition. Ocean, wind, and solar power sources are, to date, either the most mature or promising technologies to achieve the carbon neutrality goal.


The purpose of this special issue (SI) is to provide a forum for interested readers in the areas of sustainable energies to share research aspects related to the energy transition, as well as its current situation and future perspectives in Latin America and its connection with the whole World. We invite researchers and professionals to present their research related to this process. We call for submissions related to Ocean, Hydrogen, Solar, and Wind energies (including other emergent technologies), with special emphasis on the following topics but not limited to:


  • Control of energy systems;
  • Economic analysis;
  • Energy storage systems;
  • Green Algorithms;
  • Modeling;
  • New harvesting technologies;
  • Optimization, control, and stability of power systems with high penetration of renewable energy;
  • Performance;
  • Resource and energy absorption optimization;
  • Resource assessment;
  • Sustainable energy resources integration; and
  • Tools for Steady-State Analysis of Microgrids.
  • AI applications


Article Selection

Papers will be submitted and rigorously reviewed in a single-blind review by experts in the field before being approved by the Guest Editors, at the reviewers’ recommendation. Original and innovative contributions are expected using emerging technologies at the service of the Latin American society. To accept the paper as part of this SI, articles should be uploaded to the IEEE platform. Any questions about this special number can be addressed to Dr Erivelton Nepomuceno at the following email: erivelton.nepomuceno@mu.ie.


Important Dates

  • Call for papers: September 01, 2022
  • Submissions Deadline: January 15, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2023
  • Final Manuscript Due: May 31, 2023
  • Publication Date: July 2023


Authors must submit all their original manuscripts electronically through the journal website (https://latamt.ieeer9.org) . Papers submitted should not be considered for publication in other journals or be part of conference proceedings. Authors can find the guidelines for the preparation and submission of their work at https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/about/submissions


Guest Editors:


  • Demián García-Violini, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina
  • Erivelton Nepomuceno, Maynooth University, Ireland.
  • Fernando Lessa Tofoli, Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil.

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