Machine Learning – Livestream Seminar

Statistical Horizons presents Machine Learning, a 4-day seminar taught by Kevin Grimm on December 6-9.

If you would like to effectively explore your data through machine learning methods, this seminar is an excellent introduction.

You will learn the skills to:

  • Use k-fold cross-validation to select optimal tuning parameters.
  • Select variables to optimize prediction using best subsets regression, forward selection, and lasso regression.
  • Fit support vector machines and classification trees for categorization problems.
  • Optimize ensemble methods, such as bootstrap aggregation (bagging), random forests, and boosting to improve prediction at the cost of explanation.
This 4-day livestream seminar will be held via Zoom, but you can also join asynchronously by viewing the recorded videos of each session.

Please share this information with any colleagues, grad students, or others who may be interested. Email with any questions.


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