Dear colleagues
We cordially invite you to the workshop:
Signal processing and machine learning to foster accessibility in cultural environments (SPACE)
Organized in Conjunction with the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023),
taking place in the island of Rhodes – Greece, held on one of the following dates: June 4th, 5th, or 10th, 2023
The main topics covered are related to
Perception signals: tracking of human motion for signing or HCI, visual object recognition, localization in cultural spaces
Actions: Navigation in cultural spaces
Processing for content presentation such as: retrieval of cultural or educational content, graphics for sign language avatars, VR for the blind, content-based recommendation, content summarization
Processing for interfaces: speech interfaces, sign language interpretation, gaze tracking
Audio/speech processing: techniques for improving the accessibility of audio/speech content for people with hearing impairments, such as speech-to-text or audio captioning
Natural language processing: techniques for improving the accessibility of text content for people with visual impairments, such as text-to-speech or text magnification
Accessibility for virtual and augmented reality: techniques for making virtual and augmented reality experiences more accessible for people with disabilities, such as haptic feedback or audio-based navigation
Machine learning for accessibility: techniques for using machine learning to improve the accessibility of cultural content and spaces, such as personalized recommendations, automatic summarization, or automatic audio description of visual content
Human-computer interaction: techniques for improving the usability of cultural content and spaces for people with disabilities, such as gesture-based interfaces or touch-based interfaces
Assistive technology: techniques for developing and evaluating assistive technology for people with disabilities, such as wearable devices or mobile apps
Ethical considerations: discussions of the ethical implications of using signal processing and machine learning for accessibility in cultural environments, such as issues of privacy and security
Relevant datasets
These topics are indicative, feel free to contact us if you are working on related topics that might be within the broad area of the workshop but are not listed here.
Review Process
All submissions will be reviewed by the workshop's program committee, which is composed of experts in the relevant fields. The review process is single-blind. The criteria for evaluating submissions will include originality, significance, and relevance to the workshop themes. In addition, reviewers may consider the quality of the writing, the clarity of the presentation, and the potential of the research to make a meaningful contribution to the field.
Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated according to the announced time schedule (see Important Dates below), and authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process via email. We are aiming to release decisions to authors on April 10, 2023. Authors of accepted submissions will be required to revise their papers based on the feedback provided by the reviewers and to submit a final version for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The camera ready submission deadline is April 28, 2023.
Accepted submissions will be invited to present at the workshop as a poster presentation and a short spotlight presentation. Please note that, in order for a paper to be included in the conference proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present it. Details on special workshop registration rates can be found at the main conference website.
Important Dates
Submission: 10 March 2023, 23:59 Pacific Time
Decision: 10 April 2023
Camera-ready: 28 April 2023