News Unmasked ML Competition at FGVC@CVPR’23

We would like to invite you to participate in News-Unmasked 2023,  an ML competition as part of FGVC workshop @CVPR2023. With this competition we aim to understand the biases of current large models if they are applied to real-world applications like news media.
Large language model(LLMs) have been successfully used in natural language processing tasks, such as text classification and language generation and are increasingly being used in real world applications. One such field is news and media where these models can potentially be used in future. LLM based models for text generation can be used to generate headline, which – though factually correct – might not be best suited for the chosen image in a publication. Since headlines and images often work together to communicate an emotion to a reader, the competition aims to understand how the images are related with the semantic characteristics of the text (headline)

The competition is being hosted and run at Hugging face and a summary of the results will be presented at the FGVC workshop at CVPR 2023 in Vancouver.

Please find more details of the competition here: We look forward to your participation.

Best regards,
News-Unmasked competition organizers

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