ICIAP 2023 - 22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing https://www.iciap2023.org
ICIAP 2023 is the 22nd edition of a series of conferences organized biennially by CVPL, the Italian Member Society of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
The focus of the conference is on both classic and recent trends in computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing, and covers both theoretical and applicative aspects, with particular emphasis on the following topics:
- Pattern Recognition - Machine Learning and Deep Learning - 3D Computer Vision and Geometry - Image Analysis: Detection and Recognition - Video Analysis & Understanding - Biomedical and Assistive Technology - Digital Forensics and Biometrics - Multimedia - Cultural Heritage - Robot Vision and Automotive - Shape representation recognition and analysis - Augmented and Virtual Reality - Geospatial Analysis - Computer Vision for UAVs - Brave New Ideas
The conference will be held in Udine, Italy on 11-15th September, 2023. The conference is structured in oral and poster sessions and offers invited lectures from distinguished speakers. Satellite workshops and tutorials are also organized.
- Paper Submission 2nd round: 15 May 2023 [DEADLINE EXTENDED]
- Notifications to Authors 2nd round: 1 July 2023
- Camera Ready papers due: 15 July 2023
- Main Conference: 12-14 September 2023
- Workshop and Tutorials: 11 and 15 September 2023 All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12 (Anywhere on Earth).
All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference’s CMT Website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIAP2023
Authors can find complete instructions of how to format their papers at https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines The maximum number of pages is 12 including references.
Papers will be selected through a double-blind review process, taking into account originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance and technical contents. Each submission will be managed by two Area Chairs and reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the ICIAP 2023 Conference Proceedings, which will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS).
General Chairs: Gian Luca Foresti (U. Udine), Andrea Fusiello (U. Udine), Edwin Hancock (U. York) Program Chairs: Michael Bronstein (U. Oxford), Barbara Caputo (Politecnico Torino), Giuseppe Serra (U. Udine) Workshop Chairs: Federica Arrigoni (Politecnico Milano), Lauro Snidaro (U. Udine) Tutorial Chairs: Christian Micheloni (U. Udine), Francesca Odone (U. Genova) Publication Chairs: Claudio Piciarelli (U. Udine), Niki Martinel (U. Udine) Industrial Liaison Chairs: Pasqualina Fragneto (STM) Publicity/Social Chair: Matteo Dunnhofer (U. Udine), Beatrice Portelli (U. Udine) Local Organization Chairs: Eleonora Maset (U. Udine), Andrea Toma (U. Udine), Emanuela Colombi (U. Udine), Alex Falcon (U. Udine)
general@iciap2023.org program@iciap2023.org workshops@iciap2023.org tutorials@iciap2023.org publicity@iciap2023.org secretariat@iciap2023.org