Distinguished Speaker Series: Andrew Gelman’s Multilevel Modeling for Design & Analysis

On May 31, Professor Andrew Gelman will present a 3-hour virtual seminar on Multilevel Modeling for Design and Analysis.

In this seminar–the first in Statistical Horizons' Distinguished Speaker Series–Professor Gelman will share his perspectives on the use of multilevel modeling to address general challenges of design and analysis in a world of nonrandom samples, varying treatment effects, and noisy data.

The seminar will include a mix of examples, methods, discussion, and time to ask questions, as Professor Gelman explores such issues as:

  • Using a conceptual framework for thinking about inference and generalization in the context of multiple sources of variation.
  • Multilevel modeling as it applies to sampling and causal inference.
  • Open questions in multilevel modeling and generalization.
This livestream seminar will be held via Zoom, but you can also join asynchronously by viewing the recorded video.

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