Welcome to our third expert talk hosted by the neuron.ai AI Brainery team! We are excited to bring together leading experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence to share their knowledge and insights with our community. Our expert speakers will discuss a wide range of topics within AI, from the latest research and development to practical applications and their […]
Archive for May 23rd, 2023
Expert Talk on AI in the Music Industry with Taha Bouhoun (Weights & Biases)

Workshop on Advances of Mobile and Wearable Biometrics (WAMWB) at MobileHCI23

We are happy to announce the Workshop on Advances of Mobile and Wearable Biometrics, held within the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interfaces (MobileHCI), 2023. The workshop will allow both in person and online participation and it will take place on September 26, 2023, in Athens, Greece. Short description: The rapid digitalization […]
IEEE PICom 2023 – Call for Papers

* Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies. * Call for Papers IEEE PICom 2023 The 21st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2023) Nov 13-17, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society https://icnetlab.org/cyber-science2023/picom/index.html Over the last fifty years, computational intelligence has evolved from artificial intelligence, nature-inspired […]
Invitación Charlas IEEE MTT UNLP – 24 de mayo

Este miércoles 24 de mayo recibiremos en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata la vista del presidente de la IEEE MTT-S junto con otros distinguidos miembros de la sociedad. Los invitamos a participar de las charlas que se desarrollarán en forma presencial a partir de las 09:30 am. Contaremos con […]
Final Call For Papers – BRACIS 2023 – 12th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems

12th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS) Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, September 25th to 29th, 2023. https://www.bracis.dcc.ufmg.br/ *** Deadline for paper submissions LAST EXTENTION: May 21th, 2023 – AoE *** The Program Committee of the 12th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS) invites submissions of original research papers for the conference to be held in […]