Submit Journal-First Papers at CIC31 Conference

CIC31 Journal-first Deadline Extended!


31st Color and Imaging Conference (CIC31)

13-17 November 2023

Paris, France


The deadline for Journal-first submissions to #CIC31 has been extended by a few weeks to benefit all participants. Submit your research by May 31st to appear in the conference proceedings and Journal of Science and Technology (JIST) or Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI). Journal-first submissions undergo a fast-tracked review and offer opportunities for collaboration and future publications.


Start exploring the possibilities today!


Follow #CIC31 and join the conversation @ImagingOrg #CIC31


Roberta Morehouse, CMP
Communications and Marketing Manager
Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)
—imaging across applications— 

IS&T is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science and technology in imaging. Please consider donating today. 
Connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter @ImagingOrg


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