ICVS 2023 Call for Papers

The 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2023) 27-29 September 2023 in Vienna, Austria

The submission deadline of the ICVS 2023 conference will be extended by two weeks to June 12th for paper as well as for workshop proposal submission.

The 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems will be held in Vienna, Austria as a single-track conference, continuing a series of successful events in Europe, America and Asia. While most computer vision conferences focus on specific methods for experimental applications, ICVS primarily addresses issues arising in the design and deployment of comprehensive computer vision systems for a broad spectrum of applications, such as robotics and automation, inspection, monitoring and surveillance, and scene interpretation. We warmly welcome contributions of papers targeting the conference scope, which includes but is not limited to the following topics: * Building vision systems: Paradigms, architectures, integration, control * Vision systems applications: Systems deployed in real/realistic scenarios * Robot vision * Real-time vision systems * Mobile and wearable vision systems * Hardware-implemented vision systems * Vision for the real world: Robustness, learning, adaptability, self-assessment, failure recovery * Vision for autonomous vehicles * Vision for healthcare and rehabilitation applications * Vision for surveillance and security applications * Vision for virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) applications * Vision for industrial automation in FoFs * Cognitive vision systems * Human-computer interaction: Monitoring, supervised learning, scene interpretation * Human-robot collaboration: Gesture recognition, scene understanding * Performance evaluation: Benchmarks, methods, metrics The ICVS 2023 proceedings will be published in Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ================================================== IMPORTANT DATES Workshop Proposal Deadline: June 12, 2023 May 25, 2023 Paper Submission Deadline:
June 12, 2023 May 29, 2023 Author Notification: July 13, 2023 Camera Ready: July 26, 2023 Conference: September 27-29, 2023 Early registration: July 26, 2023 ================================================== SUBMISSIONS All papers will be submitted electronically through the conference submission service website https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icvs23
ICVS 2023 also invites proposals for two-hour workshops and tutorials, which will be held during the third day of the conference, on Friday, September 29, 2023. For further information on the papers and workshops proposal submission process, please visit the conference website https://icvs2023.conf.tuwien.ac.at/ AWARDS The organising committee of ICVS 2023 is proud to announce that travel grants will be awarded to selected student authors of accepted papers. All applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis and awards will be given to financially support their travel. In collaboration with our sponsors, monetary awards will be given for the ICVS 2023 Best Paper and, for the first time, the IEEE & AIT Women in Engineering Best Paper. PROGRAM CHAIRS Henrik I. Christensen, UC San Diego Peter Corke, Queensland University of Technology Renaud Detry, KU Leuven ORGANISING COMMITTEE
Jean-Baptiste Weibel, TU Wien – General Chair
Markus Vincze, TU Wien – Honorary Chair
Stefan Thalhammer, TU Wien – Local Chair
Doris Antensteiner, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology – Diversity Chair
Timothy Patten, University of Technology Sydney – Publicity Chair
Dominik Bauer, Columbia University – Co-Publication Chair
Ehsan Yaghoubi, Hamburg University – Co-Publication Chair

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