iWOAR 2023: Call for Papers

CfP: 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2023)

iWOAR is an international workshop with conference character, which is organized in-cooperation with ACM. This year's workshop will be held in Lübeck (Germany), September 21-22, 2023. The workshop focuses on Human Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence with wearable sensors and related technologies.

Paper submission deadline: 1 June 2023
Poster submission deadline: 1 August 2023
Website: https://iwoar.org/2023/
Paper submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iwoar2023

All scientific submissions undergo a peer review process to ensure that high quality content is being presented. We invite submissions which target (but are not limited to) the following topics and applications:

Human Activity Recognition
Human Centered Artificial Intelligence
Human Centered Machine Learning
Human Data Imputation / Augmentation / Representation / Classification
Human Behavior Intention Recognition
Quantified Self
Affective Computing
Context Awareness
Human Computer Interaction
Intelligent User Interfaces
Pervasive & Wearable Computing
Cyber Physical & Human Systems
Assistive Technologies
Ambient Assisted Living
Active & Healthy Ageing
Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy
Telemedicine and Biotechnology
Occupational Safety, Healthcare and Wellness
Industry 4.0
Smart Cities & Urban Environments
Digital Health

We invite for academic research papers and for best-practice industrial research approaches. The iWOAR 2023 will feature both a paper track and a poster track, with all submissions being handled via EasyChair (submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iwoar2023):

  • Paper track: submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Paper Format. The submission deadline is set to June 1, 2023.
  • Poster track: submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format. The submission deadline is set to August 1, 2023.

Accepted submissions to the paper track will be published in the iWOAR 2023 Proceedings online in the ACM Digital Library.

For any query, please contact iwoar@hic-luebeck.de.

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