ONFIRE Contest 2023 – ICIAP 2023

ONFIRE Contest 2023 - ICIAP 2023 	 === Call for submissions ===
ONFIRE Contest 2023 International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP 2023 Website: https://mivia.unisa.it/onfire2023/ 
=== Important dates ===
Submission Deadline: July 21st, 2023
=== Contest ===
The ONFIRE 2023 contest is an international competition among methods, executable on board of smart cameras or embedded systems, for real-time fire detection from videos acquired by fixed CCTV cameras. To this aim, the performance of the competing methods will be evaluated in terms of fire detection capabilities and processing resources. As for the former, we consider both the detection errors and the notification speed (i.e., the delay between the manually labelled fire start, either its ignition or appearance on scene, and the fire notification). Regarding the latter, the processing frame rate and the memory usage are taken into account. In this way, we evaluate not only the ability to detect fires and avoid false alarms of the proposed approaches, but also their promptness in notification and the computational resources needed for real-time processing. To allow the participants to train their methods, we provide a dataset including 330 videos collected from publicly available fire detection datasets; all the positive video clips will be annotated with the instant in which the fire begins.  The accuracy of the competing methods will be evaluated in terms of Precision and Recall on a private test set composed by unpublished videos that are different from the ones available in the training set (but coherent with them). In addition, the average delay between fire start and notification (over all the true positive videos), the average processing frame rate and the memory usage will be computed (on a target processing device) to evaluate the promptness and the required processing resources of the proposed methods.
=== Rules ===
The deadline for the submission of the methods is 21st July, 2023. The submission must be done with an email in which the participants share (directly or with external links) the trained model, the code and the report. The participants can receive the training set and its annotations by sending an email to onfire2023@unisa.it, in which they also communicate the name of the team. The participants can use these training samples and annotations, but also additional videos. The participants must submit their trained model and their code by carefully following the detailed instructions reported in the website.  The participants are strongly encouraged to submit a contest paper to ICIAP 2023, whose deadline is 28th July, 2023. The contest paper must be also sent by email to the organizers. Otherwise, the participants must produce a brief PDF report of the proposed method. The detailed instructions of the proposed method can be downloaded here: https://mivia.unisa.it/onfire2023/
The organizers, Diego Gragnaniello Antonio Greco Carlo Sansone Bruno Vento 

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