Call for Papers & Talks | ContinualAI Unconference 2023


We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers (to be published in PMLR) and Call for Talks for the upcoming ContinualAI Unconference (CLAI Unconf). Organized by the non-profit research organization, ContinualAI, the conference seeks to accelerate inclusive and sustainable progress in our academic community through a unique, open-access, multi-timezone, 24-hour event which will be free to attend. The event will connect ideas beyond static datasets at the crossroads of machine learning, computational neuroscience, robotics, and more. Stay up to date by visiting our webpage: 


Please note the following important dates:

– Virtual Conference Date: October 19, 2023

Call for Papers Deadline: July 21, 2023

Call for Talks Deadline: August 18, 2023


Different from traditional conferences, CLAI Unconf allows you to

1) Preregister your ideas with accepted papers published in PMLR Call for Papers)

2) Share an idea with the experts in the field with a 5 to 15 minute talk (Call for Talks)


We are currently inviting original contributions that delve into the dynamic aspects of AI, straying from the static train-test paradigm prevalent in much of the current AI research. The conference themes include, but are not limited to:

  • Navigating complex data collection systems
  • Understanding and describing continuous streams of data
  • Lifelong learning processes and generalization of knowledge beyond a specific target
  • Discovering new concepts in changing environments and handling partially observable information from potentially disparate data sources
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on related topics
  • A more detailed account of the conference themes is available in our Call for Papers.


CLAI Unconf offers a unique experience with features such as:

  • Free for everyone
  • Easy accessibility through virtual, multi-timezone support
  • Contributed talks and pre-registration articles
  • Active roundtables encouraging participant interaction and discussions
  • Hands-on sessions promoting collaborative work and creativity
  • Mentoring Sessions


In addition, we offer an exciting pre-registration submission process to ensure scientific excellence (a more detailed account of pre-registration is provided in our Call for Papers). Researchers are invited to present well-articulated ideas and thoroughly outlined experimental protocols. These ideas will be evaluated and discussed during the conference, with follow-up findings published in CLAI Unconf's Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR).


We believe this conference provides a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and explore new concepts in the field of Artificial Intelligence. We look forward to receiving your submissions and meeting you at the un-conference! Please feel free to forward this advertisement along to your network.


Best regards,


James Seale Smith

Outreach Chair

ContinualAI Unconference Organizing Committee



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