ICIAP 2023 – Call for Competition Participation and Workshop Papers

ICIAP 2023 – 22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing


The 22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) 2023, to be held in Udine, Italy on 11-15 September 2023, will host two competitions:

 – Multimodal Action Recognition on the MECCANO Dataset

 – International Contest on Real-Time Fire Detection on the Edge


ICIAP 2023 will also host 9 workshops on different topics with paper submission deadlines in June and July 2023. Accepted papers will be published as part of the ICIAP 2023 workshop proceedings and will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS).

This year's workshops include:

– 3rd Automatic Affect Analysis and Synthesis Workshop

– Recent Advances in Digital Security: Biometrics and Forensics

– Deep learning for field robotics: tools, methods, and challenges

– Advances in Image Satellite Processing and Interpretation                             

– AGAVE: Advances in Gaze Analysis, Visual attention and Eye-gaze modelling

– 2nd Workshop on Novel Benchmarks and Approaches for Real-World Continual Learning

– Computer Vision for Environment Monitoring and Preservation                 

– Beyond Vision: Physics meets AI             

– Generation of Human Face and Body Behaviour

In addition, for the first time, there will be two Hubs that collect multiple workshops in the same field:

– a Digital Humanities Hub (https://iciap2023.org/satellite-event/workshops/digital-humanities-hub/
 comprising the workshops:

    – AI4DH: Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities

    – FAPER: Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

    – PatReCH: Pattern Recognition for Cultural Heritage

    – ViDiScript: Computer Vision and Digital Manuscripts

    – IAP4CH: Image Analysis and Processing for Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and Film Studies

– a Medical Imaging Hub (https://iciap2023.org/satellite-event/workshops/medical-imaging-hub/)
 comprising the workshops:

   – AIRCAD: Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics in Computer-Aided Diagnosis

   – M3IP: Multi-Modal Medical Imaging Processing

   – FedMed: Federated Learning in Medical Imaging and Vision

Please visit the webpages of individual events for more details about the covered topics, the organizing teams and the exciting programs.


For any questions, please contact the specific workshop organizers 
or the ICIAP 2023 workshop chairs
Lauro Snidaro and Federica Arrigoni
at workshops@iciap2023.org

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