Workshop of Computer Vision – WVC23 – Extended Deadline

November 13th and 14 th, 2023
Centro Universitário FEI – SP
São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Call for Papers

The 18th Computer Vision Workshop (WVC 2023) will be held at FEI (Fundação Educacional Ignaciana), located in São Bernardo do Campo, SP, on November 7th and 8th, 2023. This year, the WVC will be held in a hybrid way; that is, the participant will be able to choose whether to present their work in person (preferable) or remotely. The program includes a wide spectrum of topics of interest related to Computing a vision shared by researchers from Brazil and around the world, in addition to providing a unique forum for exchanging ideas and results. The event will also offer special sessions and lectures given by prominent experts, covering the main areas of research in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. There will also be a contest for theses and dissertations in computer vision (CTDVC), where theses or master's and doctoral dissertations in the area of the event can be presented, defended until August 16, 2023, during the event.

Articles on topics of interest (not restricted) will be accepted:Images and Video Coding, Image/video analysis, Image/video filtering and restoration, Image/video registration, Image/video segmentation, Motion Detection and Tracking, Shape representation and matching, Surface Reconstruction and Representation, Projective Geometry and Computer Vision,Texture and Color in Computer Vision, Feature extraction, Feature Matching, Inference and Recognition, Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision, Cognitive models applied to Computer Vision Systems, Architectural models for Computer Vision, Design methods for systems of Vision, Case studies and Computer Vision systems analysis, Real-time Computer Vision, Facial and Hand Gesture Recognition, Biomedical imaging and visualization, Biometrics, Visual Inspection and Robotics, Visual Document processing and analysis, and Content-based image retrieval (CBIR).

WVC 2023 Important Dates
Submission Open: June 01st, 2023
Deadline: September 16th, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: September 30nd, 2023

Only online submissions will be accepted. The article must be written in English in the IEEE conference format (double column) and must not exceed 6 pages, including bibliographic references. Details on the submission of papers are available on the event website:

Prof. Dr. Paulo Sérgio Rodrigues
WVC23 General-Chair
Signal and Image Processing Group
Computer Science Department
Centro Universitário FEI
São Bernardo do Campo, SP

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