lafusion 2023

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The First Latin American Workshop on Information Fusion (LAFUSION 2023) focuses on the latest research results on Information Fusion in Latin America. Besides, this first workshop aims to create a community of Information Fusion researchers in Latin America. Therefore, two types of submissions can be made: position (2-page poster) and regular (4-6 pages) papers. Authors of accepted positions and regular papers are expected to present their work in a plenary session as part of the main workshop program (hybrid). Accepted regular papers will be published in IEEE. Proceedings will be indexed in the IEEE Digital Library, SCOPUS, and other prominent digital libraries.

Information fusion is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on combining and integrating information from diverse sources to improve the resulting information's accuracy, completeness, and reliability. It involves merging data or knowledge from multiple sensors, databases, or information systems to generate a unified and coherent representation of the underlying reality. Therefore, its main goal is to extract meaningful and actionable insights by leveraging the strengths of individual information sources while compensating for their limitations, uncertainties, or redundancies. It aims to provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of a given situation or phenomenon than what can be achieved by using individual sources in isolation.

Information fusion techniques typically involve various processes, including data preprocessing, feature extraction, data association, probabilistic modeling, decision-making, and knowledge representation. These processes may utilize methods from diverse disciplines, such as statistics, signal processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive science. The widespread applications are found in surveillance and intelligence, remote sensing, robotics, autonomous systems, medical diagnosis, weather forecasting, transportation systems, and cybersecurity. By integrating and interpreting information from multiple sources, information fusion enables improved situational awareness, decision-making, and prediction capabilities, leading to enhanced performance, efficiency, and reliability in complex and uncertain environments. Therefore, information fusion can potentially solve several Latin American problems. We are looking to form a Forum to debate the usage of Information Fusion to produce solutions for the challenges in the region.

As informed, LAFUSION 2023 welcomes position (2-page) and regular (4-6 pages) paper submissions. Position papers must describe the overall research perspective and interest. Regular papers must be original (i.e., not previously published) and not currently under review by any other conference or journal. Submissions related to the featured topic are especially welcome, but all other submissions in the scope of Information Fusion are equally welcome. All submissions will be evaluated based on the same criteria. All submitted papers must conform to the IEEE conference template. LAFUSION 2023 will adopt a double-blind review process for regular papers. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions to ensure that their identities are not disclosed to reviewers, and reviewers are discouraged from actively working to uncover author identities. Submitting to arXiv (or similar) is allowed to promote early dissemination, provided cross-citations are not made.

This year, the workshop will be held at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro in hybrid format.

You can submit your paper through

Important Dates:

PAPER SUBMISSION: October 15th, 2023
ACCEPTANCE NOTICE: October 30th, 2023
CAMERA READY SUBMISSION: November 10th, 2023
WORKSHOP DATE: November 23rd, 2023

For more information contact:

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