Submission deadline has been extended for the special issue: Innovative strategies and technologies for sustainable waterfood nexus

Special issue call for papers: Innovative strategies and technologies for sustainable water-energy-food nexus
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Nexus The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Special issue call for papers: Innovative strategies and technologies for sustainable water-energy-food nexus
The intricate relationships among water, energy, and food systems have profound implications for achieving multi-scale sustainable development. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus provides a critical framework for understanding the interdependencies and trade-offs among these vital resources. Nexus invites researchers and practitioners to contribute to a special issue that focuses on the WEF nexus for multi-scale sustainable development, exploring innovative approaches and solutions to address the complex challenges faced by these interconnected systems. Considering the balance between footprints, security, and trade relative to sustainability provides important context for these analyses.

This special issue aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the WEF nexus, highlighting the connections, trade-offs, and integrated approaches to address the challenges faced by these interconnected systems. We welcome original research articles, case studies, perspectives, and review papers with an interdisciplinary focus on a wide range of topics related to the WEF nexus, including but not limited to:

  • Integrated resource management and governance strategies in the WEF nexus
  • Sustainable food production and its impact on energy and water systems
  • Water-energy-food nexus modeling, analysis, and optimization
  • Application of data analytics to evaluate WEF nexus issues
  • Managing WEF nexus sustainably within the context of climate extremes (droughts/floods)
  • Climate change and its implications for the WEF nexus
  • Impacts of different WEF nexus sustainability solutions on greenhouse gas emissions
  • Water and energy efficiency in food processing and distribution
  • Footprint quantification (water, energy, carbon, etc.) of different WEF nexus approaches
  • Renewable energy applications in the food sector
  • Policy and regulatory frameworks for sustainable resource management
  • Technological innovations and solutions for the WEF nexus
  • Socio economic and environmental implications of the WEF nexus
  • Nature-based solutions and stepwise ecological restoration in the context of the WEF nexus

This special issue encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together researchers from various fields such as environmental science, engineering, agriculture, hydrology, economics, policy, and social sciences. We seek to foster a holistic understanding of the WEF nexus by integrating diverse perspectives and approaches.

Manuscript submission deadline: February 28, 2024

To celebrate its launch, Nexus will offer a special introductory waiver of article processing charges (APCs) for all articles submitted before July 1, 2026.

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Guest editors

Prof. Junguo Liu
Vice President and Professor
North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, China
Dr. Bridget Scanlon
Senior Research Scientist
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. Jie Zhuang
The University of Tennessee, USA

Where science and engineering meet

Nexus—a partnership between The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Cell Press—is a new gold open access journal that publishes cutting-edge research in applied sciences, engineering, technology, and inter- and multi-disciplinary fields that tackle the world’s grand challenges. We provide a forum to spark collaborations and encourage knowledge exchange across and between disciplines to identify solutions and drive innovation to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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