Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval for a Smart and Sustainable Society

Call for Papers: Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval for a Smart and Sustainable Society
We invite submissions for our workshop that focuses on the relevance and significance of multimedia analytics and retrieval in the context of the broader societal landscape. Over the past decade, significant advancements have been made in multimedia analytics and retrieval, allowing for precise and rapid extraction of data insights. This progress has led to numerous applications that enhance various aspects of human lives. However, the diverse perspectives embedded in multimedia and other data types present a complex puzzle that requires assembly to address human-centered challenges effectively.
The workshop aims to bring together individuals working with multimedia and other data types across diverse research domains and disciplines, such as wellbeing, disaster prevention & mitigation, mobility, food computing, security, and smart cities. We encourage contributions that explore the originality and novelty of proposed topics related to the integration of diverse multimodal data.
The current era witnesses the exponential growth of sensors, communication technologies, and social networks, enabling individuals to collect data swiftly from themselves and their environments. Coupled with artificial intelligence and advanced application techniques, data has evolved into a more intelligent form, providing valuable information and knowledge for near-human cognitive analytics and retrieval. This intelligent data collection offers new opportunities to better understand the intricate associations between human beings and their surroundings.
The workshop specifically calls for submissions addressing the analysis and retrieval of cross-data from different perspectives, focusing on wearable and ambient sensors, lifelog cameras, social networks, and surrounding sensors. While several investigations have explored individual perspectives, there is a limited focus on analyzing and retrieving cross-data to maximize the benefits for human beings. Researchers are invited to contribute to this endeavor, aiming to create a smart and sustainable society by efficiently utilizing intelligent cross-data analysis and retrieval.
Possible application domains for submitted works include, but are not limited to, well-being, disaster prevention & mitigation, mobility, and food computing. We encourage researchers from various backgrounds to engage in this workshop, fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of intelligent cross-data analysis and retrieval.
Example topics of interest include but is not limited to the following 
– Event-based cross-data retrieval, data mining, and AI technology. 
– Complex event processing for linking sensors data from individuals, regions to broad areas dynamically. 
– Transfer Learning and Transformers. 
– Hypotheses Development of the associations within the heterogeneous data.
– Realization of a prosperous and independent region in which people and nature coexist. 
– Applications leverage intelligent cross-data analysis for a particular domain.
– Cross-datasets for Repeatable Experimentation. 
– Federated Analytics, Federated Learning, and Edge AI for cross-data. 
– Privacy-public data collaboration. 
– Integration of diverse multimodal data.
Important dates:
– February 15, 2024. Workshop Paper Submission.
– March 31, 2024. Notification of Acceptance for Workshop Papers. 
– April 25, 2024. Camera-Ready Workshop Papers Due. 
– TBA. ICMR 2024 Workshops Day.
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