International Conference ICICDS 2024 – Proceedings by Springer (AIS) – Reva University, Bengaluru, India

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International Conference on Innovations in Cybersecurity and Data Science
[ICICDS 2024]

ISSN: 2524-7573

Dear Researcher

Following the success of organizing international conferences events, Reva University is happy to announce the 2024 international conference event, which is mainly focused on the Data Analysis, Cybersecurity, and Artficial Intelligence (AI). The International Conference on Innvoations in Cybersecurity and Data Science [ICICDS 2024] is planned to be virtually organized on 15 – 16 March 2024 at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Reva University, Bengaluru, India. We assure that, all the papers published in the proceedings of ICICDS 2024 will be strictly subjected for inclusion into  Springer Algorithms for Intelligent Systems.

Virtual (Online) Paper Presentation is Permitted

[Includes both Registration and Publication Charges]
[No Individual Author Registrations Required]

Publication within a period of 10-14 Weeks from the Conference Date

ICICDS 2024 Publication Details

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All books published in the series are submitted for consideration in Web of Science.

Manuscript Submission

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Visit ICICDS 2024 Conference Website

To know more information, download ICICDS 2024 Conference Brochure

Proceedings of ICICDS 2024 will be published in Springer Algorithms for Intelligent Systems (AIS) to enhance visibilty and discoverability of published research. Here are the few advantages of publishing your work in Springer

Quality: Springer articles and books are subject to high-level peer review, editorial, author and production services, ensuring the quality and reliability of the work.

Speed: Springer offer fast publication while providing rigorous peer review to maintain the integrity of information. 

Impact: Springer is proud of the impact and influence it has – from citations to social media shares; from advancing discovery within individual disciplines to affecting public discourse and policy making.

Visibility: Springer is committed to promoting your research as widely as we can and providing as much visibility and exposure for your article as possible.

    For Conference-related Queries:

    Conference Team – ICICDS 2024

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