Call for Nominations for the 2024 Pierre Devijver Award

The Technical Committee on Statistical Pattern Recognition (TC1) of the IAPR established the Pierre Devijver Award to commemorate Pierre Devijver, one of the founders of statistical pattern recognition:

We call for nominations of candidates for the 2024 award.  We solicit nominations for outstanding candidates for the award to be selected from leading scientists who have contributed significantly to the field of statistical pattern recognition and closely cognate fields. Please check the list of the previous award winners here:

The award committee (consisting of the previous Pierre Devijver award winners) will evaluate the nominations to select the awardee. The winner will be expected to deliver the Pierre Devijver Award Lecture in person during the S+SSPR 2024 workshop:

Please forward the name of your nominees by email to the TC1 chair using [IAPR-TC1-PDA] as the subject line no later than May 15, 2024.

The IAPR Technical Committee 1 board

Ambra Demontis (Chair) and Konstantinos Sechidis (Vice-chair)

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