ICIP2024 – 2nd 3DCVP workshop **Deadline extension**

*** Deadline extended to May 13 ! ***


ICIP 2024 2nd Workshop on 3D Computer Vision and Photogrammetry (3DCVP 2024)

The 31st International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2024)
27-30 October 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Photogrammetry and Computer Vision are two major fields with a significant overlap with Image Processing. We plan to invite presentations of high-quality works on topics that will include novel developments over classic Photogrammetric Computer Vision problems such as Structure from motion and SLAM, as well as papers with a focus on novel learning techniques over 3D geometric data. Topics of interest will include feature extraction, description and matching, multispectral and hyperspectral image processing and fusion, Multi-View Reconstruction and Surface Reconstruction, 3D point cloud analysis and processing, scene understanding, robot vision and perception, path and motion planning.

We warmly welcome contributions of papers targeting the workshop scope, which includes the following topics:

    Structure from Motion
    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
    Keypoint Detection, Description and Matching
    Multispectral Image Processing
    Hyperspectral Image processing
    Stereo and Multi-View Reconstruction
    Surface Reconstruction
    3D point cloud analysis and processing
    Shape description
    Scene analysis and understanding
    Segmentation and classification
    Robot vision and perception
    Path and motion planning 

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:            May 13th, 2024

Author Notification:                         June 6th, 2024

Final Manuscript Due:                     June 19th, 2024

Workshop:                                        October 27th, 2024


Workshop Paper Submissions

Conference papers will be submitted electronically through the workshop submission service website 


For further information on the paper submission process, please also visit the workshop website: https://3dcvp.uniwa.gr/


Workshop Co-Chairs

Lazaros Grammatikopoulos, Associate Professor at the University of West Attica (lazaros@uniwa.gr)

Elli Petsa, Professor at the University of West Attica (petsa@uniwa.gr)
Giorgos Sfikas, Assistant Professor at the University of West Attica (gsfikas@uniwa.gr)
George Retsinas, Postdoc Researcher at the National Technical University of Athens (gretsinas@central.ntua.gr)
Andreas El Saer, PhD Candidate at the University of West Attica (elsaer@uniwa.gr)
Christophoros Nikou, Professor at the University of Ioannina (cnikou@cse.uoi.gr)

Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos, PhD Candidate at the University of Ioannina (p.dimitrakopoulos@uoi.gr)

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