Workshop @ DIS’24 Technology Assemblages in the Age of Generative AI

Dear All, we invite you to this exciting workshop as part of the ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2024 Conference on July 1-5, with a workshop date of July 2.

Understanding and Shaping Human-Technology Assemblages in the Age of Generative AI

Generative AI capabilities are rapidly transforming how we perceive, interact with, and relate to machines. This one-day workshop invites HCI researchers, designers, and practitioners to imaginatively inhabit and explore the possible futures that might emerge from humans combining generative AI capabilities into everyday technologies at a massive scale. Workshop participants will craft stories, visualizations, and prototypes through scenario-based design to investigate these possible futures, resulting in the production of an open-annotated scenario library, and a journal or interactions article to disseminate the findings. We aim to gather the DIS community knowledge to explore, understand, and shape the relations this new interaction paradigm is forging between humans, their technologies and the environment in safe, sustainable, enriching, and responsible ways. 
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR SCENARIO-BASED DESIGN (no position papers are required)
Applicants are invited to craft a scenario-based design using the design pack available for download on the website to apply to join the workshop.

We have created an easy step-by-step design pack to support you in developing a scenario by engaging with one of the workshop themes, utilising the scenario ingredients, and reflecting on the process. We invite you to download, complete, and submit the design pack. 

The accepted scenarios will be part of an open scenario library to disseminate the workshop's findings. This library will be published on this website for public reference under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International). 
During the final two hours of the workshop, we will draw on the insights from the morning and early afternoon sessions in a guided tour through the Future is Present exhibition at the Design Museum Denmark, examining the scenarios and relationships hinted at by the exhibited artifacts. This activity will offer an opportunity to apply and extend the workshop's insights. The day will conclude with a reflection session on these experiences over dinner, enriching our understanding of designing for this new paradigm's potential in everyday life. 
For more details, please go to: 
Submission deadline for scenarios: June 10 AoE
Notification: June 14 AoE 
Workshop date and duration: July 2, 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Thank you, 
Josh Andres Australian National University Australia 
Chris Danta Australian National University Australia 
Andrea Bianchi KAIST Korea 
Sungyeon Hong Australian National University Australia 
Zhuying Li Southeast University China 
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval University of New South Wales Australia Charles 
Patrick Martin Australian National University Australia 
Ned Cooper Australian National University Australia

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