GECON 2024 Extended deadline


20th International Conference on 

        Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems & Services

26-27. September 2024, Roma Italy

Springer LNCS Proceedings

Fast Track for several Journals in Computer Systems and E-Commerce


Call for 

– full papers,

– short papers (work-in-progress papers),

– special topic sessions,

– tutorials, and for

– poster presentations.

The deadline for GECON has been extended to June 30.  If you are going to submit a full or short paper, do not wait until the last day. Submit  the title and abstract as soon as possible.  This will help us organise the review process more efficiently, and complete it on time. 

Paper submissions are managed through EasyChair at

The proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS.  

To build a stronger interdisciplinary community that combines business and economic aspects with engineering and computer science themes, FGCS and GECON are coordinating their efforts. Soon, a CFP for a special issue on the Economics of Computing Services in FGCS will be published. The best papers from GECON will be invited to submit an improved version to the FGCS special issue. By submitting a full paper to GECON, authors can obtain feedback to refine their papers for this special issue. For papers that primarily address business and economic aspects, a special issue of the Springer Electronic Markets Journal, Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, and Springer Electronic Commerce Research with up to 15 papers is planned.

More information is available on the website:


Submission Guidelines for Tutorial Proposals


GECON 2024 looks for tutorial proposals on topics related to the 

conference topics. The tutorials are supposed to give 

PhD students an overview about existing concepts, challenges, and 

future research directions.

Tutorial proposals should provide a title, an abstract, and a 

table of content.


/Poster Submissions/ 


Poster presentations provide a unique opportunity for PhD 

students and young researchers to present their ongoing work and 

to receive constructive feedback from their peers as well as 

experts in the field (including academics and practitioners) at 

the GECON conference. 

Authors of accepted full papers and short papers 

(work-in-progress papers) are also welcome to present their work 

in poster sessions, giving them a higher visibility than just giving a talk.


Conference Organization


Jorn Altmann (Seoul National University, South-Korea)

Jose Angel Banares (Zaragoza University, Spain)

Karim Djemame (University of Leeds, UK)

Paolo Fantozzi (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), Italy)

Maurizio Naldi (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), Italy)

Valerio Rughetti(Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), Italy)

Vlado Stankovski (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Bruno Tuffin (Inria Rennes, France)

Kostas Tserpes (Harokopio University of Athens, Greece)

Contact for Questions:

Contact for tutorial and special topic sessions:

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