Archive for June 18th, 2024

Cours en ligne : Test d’hypothèse à deux échantillons (Online Training and Internship: Two Sample Hypothesis Testing)

Salutations de l'Institut Utkarsh Minds. Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que l'Institut Utkarsh Minds organise un programme de stage de deux mois sur Python pour le test d'hypothèses statistiques. 🎯 Dates : du 1er juillet au 31 août 2024 🎯 Intervenants : Experts du monde académique et de l'industrie 🎯 Les participants intéressés sont invités à s'inscrire. Lien d'inscription […]

IEEE NorCAS 2024 Special Sessions and Tutorials deadline extended

The deadline for tutorial and special session proposals has been extended, see below.   The 2024 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS) will take place in Lund, Sweden on October 29-30, 2024. The conference will be co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and Tampere University. The submission system is now open and […]

IEEE LCN’24 Special Tracks

========================================================================= Call for Special Tracks Special Tracks of the 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN 2024) ========================================================================= Caen, Normandy, France, October 8-10, 2024 # Submission deadline: June 15, 2024 (FIRM) # Scope The IEEE LCN 2024 conference will have several Special Tracks that comprise a set of papers focused on specific […]

VISART VII “Where Computer Vision Meets Art”

VISART VII “Where Computer Vision Meets Art” **************************************************************** 7th Workshop on Computer VISion for ART AnalysisIn conjunction with the 2024 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV),MiCo Milano, Milano, Italy **************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATESFull & Extended Abstract Paper Submission: July 3rd 2024 Notification of Acceptance: August 12th 2024Workshop: September 29th/30th 2024Camera-Ready Paper Due: August 22nd 2024 **************************************************************** […]

The Fourth Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference, 17–20 September, 2024 | Valencia, Spain.

The Fourth Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference (ICSC2024) Hybrid Event 17–20 September, 2024 | Valencia, Spain. Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Spain Section ICSC 2024 CFP: In today’s world, connected systems, social networks, and mobile communications create a massive flow of data, which is prone to cyberattacks. This needs fast and accurate detection of cyber-attacks. Intelligent systems […]

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