AIiH 2024 is offering 5 student bursaries

Dear Collegues,
we are delighted to announce that AIiH 2024 is offering 5 student bursaries
AIiH 2024 is pleased to announce that we are offering 5 student bursaries. Each bursary covers the full registration fee (including social events). Application deadline is Monday 15 July. To apply, please visit:
We would like to thank our sponsors, particularly the Young Researcher Sponsor.
Dr. Daniele Cafolla [he/him/dr]

Lecturer | Darlithydd

Robotics & Artificial Intelligence | Roboteg a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial

IEEE Senior Member |  IEEE Uwch Aelod


Swansea University | Prifysgol Abertawe

Computational Foundry | Y Ffowndri Gyfrifiadol

Bay Campus | Campws y Bae

Fabian Way | Ffordd

Swansea | Abertawe

SA1 8EN | SA1 8EN


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