CFP AIWDA 2024 workshop

The 1st International Workshop on AI and Web Data Analytics (AIWDA’2024)

to be held in conjunction with

The International Web Information Systems Engineering Conference



Scope & Topics

The 1st International Workshop on AI and Web Data Analytics (AIWDA 2024) to be held in conjunction with The International Web Information Systems Engineering Conference (WISE’2024) is an excellent international forum to share knowledge and results in theory, techniques, and applications of recent developments of blending AI with Web Data Analytics. The workshop solicits contributions in major fields of AI, Web analytics, Data analytics, and social networks from theoretical and practical perspectives.

Authors are invited to contribute to the workshop by submitting papers that showcase research findings, innovative projects, surveys, work in progress, and industrial experiences that highlight significant advances in the following topics but not limited to:

o             Web data representation, mining, and discovery

o             Deep learning for Web data analytics

o             Mining and learning in Web data with missing information and noise

o             Explainable AI in Web data analytics

o             Responsible AI of Web technologies, standards, platforms and applications

o             AI algorithmic deployment on the Web

o             Social network data mining

o             Impact of misinformation and disinformation on Web data analytics

o             Privacy-enhancing technologies for Web data analytics

o             Efficiency and scalability of Web search engines

o             Multilingual and cross-lingual Web search

o             Natural language understanding for Web search

o             Large language models for search

o             Semantic Web, semantic models, knowledge graphs

o             LLMs for knowledge graphs

o             Influence propagation, information diffusion, and the prediction on networks (link prediction, node or subgraph prediction)

o             AI for personalized search and recommendations

o             Sentiment analysis and opinion mining


Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer’s LNCS format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references, and appendices. Information about the Springer LNCS format can be found at Springer. All papers should be submitted via Easychair. Make sure to select Workshop 1: AI and Web Data Analytics @ WISE-2024. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for the workshop. The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer LNCS. Selected papers from AIWDA 2024, after further revisions, could be published in the special issues of the following journals.

•              World Wide Web Journal, Springer, or

•              Data Science and Engineering, Springer.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission: August 24, 2024

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024

Author Notification: September 30, 2024

Final Manuscript Due: October 15, 2024



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