Endoscopic Vision Challenge – AI4polypNET – iSMIT (28th September, Cáceres, Spain)

Challenge: Endoscopoc Vision Challenge – AI4polypNET thematic network


Important Dates: 

September 15th 2024: Submission deadline

September 28th 2024: Challenge day



After several very successful iterations of Endoscopic Vision Challenge (MICCAI 2015, 2017, 2018 and 20) and by popular demand, here we are again! In this edition we will focus only on colonoscopy images and, apart from classical polyp detection and segmentation we present an extended version of polyp classification, including the challenging serrated sessile adenoma class.


Training data for all tasks have already been released and validation data will be available soon.


So, start to think about whether your existing methodology or a new one you’ve always wanted to develop suits this challenge. If so, you are very welcome to our Polyp SMIT challenge 2024. Register now in this website to have access to the training datasets and good luck! We expect to meet you at iSMIT 2024 at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre in Cáceres!


Important dates

  • May 15th 2024: Release of trainig data (all tasks)
  • June 15th 2024: Release of validation data (polyp classification)
  • June 30th 2024: Release of test data. Publication of submission criteria
  • September 15th 2024: Submission deadline
  • September 28th 2024: Challenge day


The AI4polypNET team




Luisa F. Sánchez Peralta, PhD
Ingeniera de Telecomunicación / Telecommunication Engineer
Unidad de Bioingeniería y Tecnologías Sanitarias
Bioengineering and Health Technologies Unit
Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón
Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre

Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón - Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre

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Carretera N-521, km. 41,8. 10071, Cáceres (Spain) | Tlf: (+34) 927 18 10 32 | Fax: (+34) 927 18 10 33
ccmi@ccmijesususon.com | www.ccmijesususon.com

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