Archive for July 16th, 2024

Presentación de Abstract de Papers y Posters para el 1er Congreso de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Defensa Nacional

  “Tenemos el honor de invitarlos al 1er Congreso de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Defensa Nacional, un evento que reunirá a líderes, investigadores y profesionales comprometidos con el avance de la ciencia en pro de la seguridad y defensa de nuestra nación. Fecha: jueves 3 y viernes 4 /10/2024 Lugar: Facultad de ingeniería […]

XXII CIITI 2024, Congreso Internacional en Innovación Tecnológica Informática

        Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Ud. a fin de invitarlo al:       Inscripción Online         Agenda Plataforma virtual del Congreso 26 de septiembre de 10:00 a 20:00 Hs en Twitter:/ciiti                     Para recibir el Certificado de […]

Lyon-France : IEEE 6th International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems: Call for Submission

Call for Submission: IPAS’6 Deadline: 30 July 2024 6th IEEE International Image Processing, Applications and Systems Conference January 9-11 2025, Lyon, France     Dear Colleagues & Researchers, Image Processing Application in modern Systems makes them smart, interactive integrating features going sometimes beyond human natural intelligence. The international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference aims at grouping from […]

Workshop on Data Analytics in Biomedicine

CALL FOR PAPERS First Workshop on “Data Analytics in Biomedicine”(held in conjunction with IEEE DDP2024)Fourth International Conference on Digital Data Processing Yeshiva University.New York, US30 September – 01 October 2024  CALL FOR PAPERS The exponential growth of data generated from various textual sources presents both a challenge and a huge opportunity. A key challenge lies in […]

ECCV Workshop: Towards Multimodal Foundational Models for Modelling Visual Cortex

Towards Multimodal Foundational Models for Modelling Visual Cortex  Held in conjunction with the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024 – Sep 29th – Oct 4th, 2024, Milan (Italy)   Web site:     IMPORTANT DATES  Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2024  extended to July 22, 2024 Notification to authors: August 10, 2024  Camera-ready deadline: August 20, […]

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