Archive for July 23rd, 2024

ECCV Advances in Image Manipulation workshop and challenges

EXTENDED DEADLINES CALL FOR PAPERS  & CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS IN 9 CHALLENGES AIM: 5th Advances in Image Manipulation workshop and challenges on  video super-resolution, depth upsampling, raw alignment and learned ISP, sparse neural rendering, video saliency prediction, image and video quality assessment, In conjunction with ECCV 2024, Milano, Italy Website: TOPICS Papers addressing topics […]

Call for Papers – Explainable Computer Vision (eXCV) Workshop at ECCV 2024 in Milan

Workshop on “Explainable Computer Vision: Where are We and Where are We Going?” at ECCV 2024 in Milan Paper deadline: July 24, 2024 More details: We invite papers covering all topics within XAI for computer vision, including but not limited to: – Attribution maps – Evaluating XAI methods – Intrinsically explainable models – Language as an explanation for vision […]

Workshop Image Analysis in Nuclear Research September, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

Dear  enthusiasts of computer vision and nuclear research, we are delighted to invite you to the “Image Analysis in Nuclear Research” workshop,  hosted by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (ÚTIA), Prague, Czech Republic.   Event Details: Date:                          September 9-11, 2024 Location:                   ÚTIA, Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4, Prague, Czech Republic […]

WI-IAT’ 24 Call for Papers [Deadline Extended to 15 Aug 2024] !!!!!

  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        CALL FOR PAPERS         The 23rd IEEE/WIC International Conference on    Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)               December 9-12, 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand     The key theme: Web Intelligence = […]

“Workshop on Advancing Non-invasive Human Motion Characterization in the Clinical Domain” (ANIMA) at BMVC

Dear CVML community, we would like to share with you the call for papers for the:   1st Workshop on Advancing Non-invasive Human Motion Characterization in the Clinical Domain: Methods and Applications (ANIMA) Workshop at BMVC, Glasgow, UK. 27th-28th November (exact date TBA)   Motivation and topics In the healthcare domain, understanding and characterizing […]

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