CVAUI24 deadline extension to August 7 / underwater vision

Please note that the submission deadline for the call below has been postponed to August 7.

++ CVAUI2024@ICPR2024 ++

The 6th Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery

CVAUI 2024 Virtual Workshop, December 1, 2024

to be held in conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2024 (ICPR 2024), Kolkata, India and online (December 1-5, 2024)


We invite submissions to CVAUI 2024 from all areas of computer vision and image analysis relevant for, or applied to, underwater imagery. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • robust vision in challenging conditions

  • underwater image formation models

  • underwater image restoration or enhancement

  • physical models of reflectance and light transport, including multi-spectral or hyperspectral

  • underwater scene understanding

  • classification, detection, segmentation, tracking

  • (autonomous) visual underwater navigation and mapping by robots

  • monitoring and characterization of marine life (including fisheries research)

  • automatic video annotation and summarization

  • context-aware machine learning and image understanding

  • training data, benchmarks and synthetic data

  • (inverse) rendering and underwater scene representations

  • underwater calibration and parameter estimation ( e.g., of cameras, lights, or media)

++ Best Paper Award ++

The best paper will be awarded a prize of $500.

++ Important Dates ++

Submission open: June 15, 2024

Workshop paper submission deadline:  ==> August 7, 2024

Notification to authors : ==>  September 6, 2024

Camera-ready deadline: September 27, 2024

Workshop date: December 1, 2024

++ Publication ++

Fully peer-reviewed proceedings to be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

++ Webpage ++

CVAUI is supported by the Computer Vision for Underwater Environmental Monitoring Technical Committee 5 of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), and sponsored by the IAPR and Ocean Networks Canada.

++ Scientific Committee ++

  1. David Nakath (PhD) Post-Doc, Marine Data Science, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

  2. Maia Hoeberechts (PhD) Associate Director, Learning & Community Engagement, Ocean Networks Canada and Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, BC, Canada

  3. Kevin Köser (PhD), Professor, Marine Data Science, Dept. of Computer Science  University of Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

  4. Alexandra Branzan Albu (PhD) Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, BC, Canada

++ Technical Program Committee ++

  • Andreas Birk – Constructor-University Bremen, Germany

  • Claire Dune – Université de Toulon, France

  • Duane Edgington – Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, California, USA

  • Maxime Ferrera – IFREMER, Underwater Robotics Lab, France

  • Bob Fisher – School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

  • Rafael Garcia – University of Girona, Spain

  • Hervé Glotin – Institut Universitaire de France and Université de Toulon, France

  • Nina S. T. Hirata – University of São Paulo, Brazil

  • Anthony Hoogs –  Kitware Inc., New York, USA

  • Jules Jaffe – UCSD/Scripps, USA

  • Reinhard Koch – University of Kiel, Germany

  • Jianping Li – Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology / CAS, China

  • Fabio Menna – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

  • Rudolf Mester – NTNU, Norway

  • Tim Nattkemper – Bielefeld University, Germany

  • Erica Nocerino – Università degli Studi di Sassari Italy

  • Annette Stahl – NTNU, Norway

  • Katie Skinner – University of Michigan, USA

  • Gaowang Wang – Zhejiang University, China

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