Archive for September 19th, 2024

Second Call for Papers (CFP) IEEE IATMSI-2025 (Extended Deadline of Paper Submissions:15th October 2024)

Second Call for Papers IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES IN TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION (IATMSI-2025) “Flagship Conference of ABV-IIITM Gwalior” 06-08 March, 2025 (Hybrid Conference) Venue: ABV-IIITM Gwalior, India The 3rd edition of the IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation – IATMSI-2025, will be held during 06-08 March 2025 in Hybrid […]


La Comisión de Posgrado de RIISIC invita al PANEL SOBRE POSGRADOS INTERINSTITUCIONALES, a llevarse a cabo en formato virtual, el próximo miércoles 25 de septiembre, a las 17 hs.  Desde ya contamos con la presencia virtual de todos y solicitamos la difusión a sus unidades académicas.  Un cordial saludo. 

SADIO – Curso Introducción a la Ciencia de Datos

Estimados Les acercamos información sobre el curso virtual de Introduccion a la Ciencia de Datos que se dictará en SADIO. Esperamos que sea de su interés y agradecemos la difusión que pueda darle. Consulte por otros cursos en Saludos cordiales.   ¡Seguinos en nuestras redes sociales para enterarte de más novedades!        Curso virtual: […]

Call for Fall 2024 International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) course proposals

Dear Al Professors, Postdocs or Senior AI researchers,   in the framework of the AI4Media EU project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020, together with the ICT48 projects ELISE, VISION, HumanE AI NET and TAILOR, we have organized the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) aiming to become a reference initiative for AI education in Europe and implement mechanisms for inter-university sharing of […]

DeepLearn 2025

12th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING (with special focus on Large Language Models, Foundation Models and Generative AI) DeepLearn 2025 Porto – Maia, Portugal July 21-25, 2025 ****************************************************** Co-organized by: University of Maia Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice – IRDTA Brussels/London ****************************************************** Early registration: September 29, 2024 ****************************************************** SCOPE: DeepLearn 2025 will […]

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