ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 Workshop on Multimodal Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Agriculture – CALL FOR PAPERS

ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 Workshop on Multimodal Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Agriculture – CALL FOR PAPERS

Auckland, New Zealand, December 3, 2024



Dear Researchers,


We invite submissions to the Workshop on Multimodal Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Agriculture (MFM-RsAg), which will be held in Auckland, New Zealand, on December 3, 2024.

This workshop focuses on exploring the potential of multimodal foundation models in analyzing remote sensing data to provide innovative solutions for agricultural tasks, such as weed management, yield prediction, and crop mapping. We welcome research contributions focusing on the following (but not limited to) topics on remote sensing data driven by multimodal foundation models (Hyperspectral, Multispectral, LiDAR, SAR, Thermal imaging, Optical imagery, Satellite imagery, UAV/aerial, Temporal data series, Depth data, Geospatial data,Radar data, etc.):


  • Foundation model and remote sensing data encoding
    • Representation learning
    • Self-supervised/Unsupervised learning
    • Transfer learning and fine-tuning
    • Sequential (spatial or temporal) encoding
    • Multi-modal/multi-temporal/multi-sensor/multi-resolution learning and fusion
  • Foundation model guided remote sensing understanding
    • Pattern recognition
    • Segmentation
    • Downscaling/super-resolution/image enhancement in spectral/spatial/temporal domains
    • Sequence understanding/temporal understanding
    • Change detection
    • Object detection and classification
    • Anomaly detection
  • Foundation model driven applications
    • Land cover and land use mapping
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Crop health assessment
    • Soil property assessment
    • Vegetation index calculation
    • Yield prediction
    • Climate change understanding and sustainable development
    • Weather forecasting
  • Public benchmark datasets in remote sensing and agriculture for foundation model construction


Submissions should adhere to the ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 formatting guidelines and will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceeding of the conference*. The template can be found via: ACM MM Asia Regular Paper Submission Guidelines:

Page limits: each paper is 4-6 pages (not including references).


Papers have to be submitted via:

Click 'Create new submission' and select the track 'Workshop on Multimodal Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Agriculture.


*All accepted papers need to pay the register fees.


Important Dates

·        1 October 2024, 23:59: Paper Submission Due

·        12 October 2024, 23:59: Author Notification

·        15 October 2024, 23:59: Camera-Ready Version Submission Due

·        3 December 2024, 9:00 (NZDT): Workshop


A PDF version of the Call for Paper with the important dates can be found here:


Thank you very much and we are looking forward to your participation in ACM Multimedia Asia 2024 Workshop on Multimodal Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Agriculture!


Workshop Track Chairs

Kun Hu, Mingyang Ma, Patrick Filippi, Shaohui Mei, Fan Li, Zhiyong Wang, Thomas Bishop, Mingyi He

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