IEEE BIBM 2024 WORKSHOP Care 2024: Integrating Symbiotic AI in Biomedical Informatics – Lisbon, Portugal, 3 – 6 December 2024

SAI-Care 2024: Integrating Symbiotic AI in Biomedical Informatics
A Workshop on Advanced SAI-based applications in Healthcare
Lisbon, Portugal, 3 – 6 December 2024


Workshop Overview
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the biomedical field represents a groundbreaking frontier in both research and practical application of medicine. With the exponential growth of biomedical data, AI has emerged as a crucial tool for analyzing vast amounts of information, uncovering complex hidden patterns, and supporting critical clinical decisions. In the context, Symbiotic AI (SAI) explores the synergistic relationship between artificial intelligence systems and human users, aiming to enhance collaboration and coexistence between the two entities. This symbiotic relationship empowers healthcare professionals with advanced analytical capabilities, enabling them to make more accurate diagnoses, personalize treatment plans, and optimize patient care pathways.

Call for Paper
The workshop aims to explore the synergy between SAI and biomedical informatics, emphasizing the integration of AI technologies into reliable and Symbiotic Computer-Aided Diagnosis (SCAD) systems. Topics include advanced AI-based applications in healthcare, with a particular focus on explainable AI models to ensure transparency and reliability in medical decision-making processes. Participants will explore how SCAD systems symbiotically enhance diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and patient care pathways within the biomedical informatics landscape.

Potential topics for the workshop could include but non are limited to:
AI-driven diagnostic tools in healthcare
Applications of AI models in personalized medicine
eXplainable in the use of AI in biomedical informatics
Implementing AI algorithms for medical imaging analysis
Natural language processing in healthcare informatics
Predictive analytics for disease prevention and early detection
AI-powered drug discovery and development
Challenges and opportunities in integrating AI into clinical workflows
Design of symbiotic AI systems for healthcare
The role of AI in improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes

Important Dates
Oct 10, 2024: Due date for full workshop papers submission
Nov 5, 2024: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
Nov. 21, 2024: Camera-ready of accepted papers
Dec 3-6, 2024: Workshops

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